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Enchantment Page 25

  “Josh … I—”

  “Go to bed, Channie.”

  She ran back to her room and buried her face in her pillow to stifle her sobs. But this time she couldn’t cry herself to sleep. She pulled out her journal and read the most recent words of the spell, focusing on the middle stanzas that had somehow been obscured by the seemingly more important words about true love’s kiss.

  … Son of darkness, heed this advice, forsake all others that might entice and lead astray with a wanton smile the foolish boy they wish to beguile. Burn the image in your heart and mind of true love’s kiss, and surely you’ll find the strength and the will and the power to keep the promise you made so your love would not weep …

  A chill crept up Channie’s spine and encircled her heart. The evil Book was testing Josh. She had been a fool to ignore the warning. What would happen if he failed the test and cheated on her? There was more at stake here than just their relationship — as if that weren’t bad enough — Josh was in serious danger. Channie got dressed, hugged her journal to her breast and crept back downstairs. She had to warn him.



  Channie could tell by his rapid and irregular breathing that Josh was awake, but he refused to roll over or answer her as she begged his forgiveness and tried to explain the danger he was in.

  “Josh, I know you’re mad at me and don’t want to talk to me right now, but you need to listen. Open your phone and read the words of the spell. Pay attention to the middle two stanzas. I don’t want to lose you, but more importantly — I don’t want you to get hurt. I’m so sorry I got you involved in this mess.”

  Channie whispered, “I love you,” and turned towards the stairs.

  Josh sat up and said, “Channie, wait.” He tossed the blankets aside, got up and wrapped his arms around her. Their thin cotton pajamas protected them from the fiery curse, but not from the flames of their passion.

  Josh said, “Go get some clothes on and meet me in the basement.”

  “But it’s late.”

  “So? Tomorrow’s Sunday. We can sleep in.” He smacked her butt and said, “On second thought, don’t get dressed. I like your jammies.”

  “I’ll meet you downstairs, but pajamas are not an option. Get dressed.”

  He bit his lip and deliberately pulled it through his teeth.

  “And stop trying to seduce me.”

  “I’m not trying to seduce you.” The way his gaze traveled over her thinly clad body said otherwise.

  When Channie got downstairs, Josh was wearing his gloves. She could have asked him to take them off, but … she missed holding hands. She missed the way his cotton-clad fingers felt on her face as he traced patterns over her cheeks, brow and lips. She missed other things too, but refused to think about that.

  They sat on the sofa and cuddled as they talked about the dilemma presented by the Book of the Dead’s latest revelations. Josh was more concerned about “true love’s kiss” than he was about the dangers of succumbing to the temptations of other girls. He seemed to be having a hard time focusing. He also had a hard time keeping his hands to himself.

  Channie kept her rebukes lighthearted and playful. Josh would apologize and calm down for awhile, but then go right back to trying to slip his hands under her hoodie.

  He said, “Do you remember suggesting that we should try to desensitize ourselves and practice touching?”

  “Yes. And I also remember you saying that the more we touch the more you want.”

  “I won’t deny it. I want a hell of a lot more than you’re willing to give — but I won’t force you. You know that, right?”

  “I’m not worried about you forcing me. But I am worried about you persuading me.”

  Josh smiled. But it wasn’t his usual goofy grin. This smile was seductive and full of temptation. Channie’s resolve melted like butter on hot cornbread.

  He said, “I’ll try to be less persuasive. But since our plan to use Elijah was a complete failure, we need to move on to plan ‘B.’”

  “And that is …?”

  “To desensitize ourselves, like you suggested. So we can kiss without lust and break the curse.”

  “I don’t know—”

  “Think about it Channie. Do you remember how thrilling it was just to hold hands when I first bought these gloves?”

  “Yes, but I still like to hold hands. I’m not desensitized to it.”

  Josh lifted her off his lap and slid away from her then picked up her hand. “Is this as thrilling as the first time?”

  “Well, no, but—”

  “How about this?” He put his hand on her knee, but didn’t try to slide it up her leg the way he had been for the past hour.

  “Alright. I see your point. But what are we going to do if we get carried away while we’re trying to desensitize ourselves?”

  “I’m prepared for all contingencies.”

  Channie narrowed her eyes. “I’ll just bet you are.”

  “Come on Channie. What’s the worst that can happen?”

  “I could get pregnant.”

  “No, you can’t. No skin to skin contact, remember? Even if the curse weren’t a problem, I’d never put you at risk. I’d use protection. Besides, just how carried away do you think we’re going to get while Mom’s upstairs? There’s not even a lock on the door.”

  “You’ll stop the minute I tell you to?”

  “Of course.”


  Channie expected Josh to pull her back onto his lap, but instead, he slid off the sofa and knelt in front of her. His eyes moved slowly back and forth — tiny little movements that she wouldn’t have noticed if not for the sparks of blue-white light refracting along the rims of his irises. He was searching her face — gauging her reactions. Channie smiled, but her mouth felt stiff and awkward.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and said, “May I touch you?”

  “You are touching me.”

  “May I touch you … like this?” He slid his hands ever so slowly, inch by inch from her shoulders to her collar bone then down her arms. He’d touched her like that plenty of times already, but somehow this was different — more intense.

  After a few minutes, Channie quit trying to analyze everything and let herself enjoy the pleasure of the moment.

  Josh slid his hands between the seat cushions and the back of the sofa and pulled out another pair of thin, white, cotton gloves. He licked his lips and swallowed then cleared his throat. He said, “You can touch me too … if you want.”

  Channie’s hands shook as she slipped on the gloves.

  Josh bit his lip, but this time he didn’t pull it through his teeth. He trembled and kept his gaze locked on Channie’s eyes as he crossed his arms and gripped the hem of his sweatshirt. He pulled it off over his head then tossed it on the floor.

  Channie skimmed her gloved fingers over the chiseled muscles of his chest and belly. He closed his eyes. And trembled.

  When he quit shaking, Channie said, “Are you desensitized yet?”

  “Why? Are you getting bored?”

  “How could I possibly get bored with my hands on your body?”

  Josh groaned as if he were in pain and pulled her closer. She could taste the cool mint on his breath even as it warmed her cheek. He squeezed her waist and said, “I can’t wait to kiss you.”

  “We aren’t ready.”

  “I know.” He gazed into her eyes and Channie felt as if she were falling. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  Channie shook her head slowly. “But, you make me feel beautiful. Especially when you look at me like … that.”

  “Like this?” The pulse point on Josh’s neck throbbed. His heart was racing in tandem with hers. He lifted a hand to her shoulder, but instead of sliding it down her arm, he let it skim the front of her sweatshirt.

  Channie froze for a split-second, her mind unable to process what just happened. Josh slid his hand back up and paused over her breast.
Her thoughts were still a jumble of contradictory messages, but Channie’s body didn’t need any input from her brain. She arched her back and leaned into Josh’s hand. What was she doing? This was wrong. Wasn’t it? She’d told Mrs. Abrim that she wouldn’t sleep with Josh. But for the life of her, Channie couldn’t remember why.

  She dug her fingers into Josh’s shoulders as he continued to explore. They were both breathing hard when he stopped and slid his hands to her waist. Why was he stopping? She opened her eyes and found his questioning gaze again searching her face. He wasn’t stopping. He was asking for permission. She gave it, silently nodding her head.

  Josh slid his hands under her shirt. His eyes never left hers even as he fumbled with the hooks of her bra. When the clasp finally sprang open, Channie instinctively crossed her arms over her chest.

  Josh froze.

  Channie took a deep breath and tried to relax, but couldn’t stop shaking.

  Josh was shivering too. He said, “We can stop now, if you want.”

  It was more than obvious that he did not want to stop. But neither did she.

  “No, it’s okay.”

  “Channie?” Josh’s voice was breathless and raspy. “Are you sure?”


  “What about that … uh … moon thing?”

  “I stopped it.”

  Josh got up and propped a chair under the doorknob. So much for the ‘no lock’ excuse. Without Josh’s hands on her, Channie lost her confidence. What if he was disappointed? And what was taking him so long?

  The dim lighting from the television flickered across Josh’s bare back as he opened the closet and pulled out a set of sheets. He really was prepared for all contingencies. He tucked the linens under one arm then leaned over and dug around in his backpack. What was he doing? He put something in his pocket then stood up and looked at her. “Do you want the TV off or on?”

  “Off.” Definitely off.

  “It will be pitch black in here. Is that okay?”

  “The darker the better.”

  Josh used his phone as a flashlight to make his way back to the sofa. When he turned it over to turn it off, it illuminated his face with an erie glow, distorting his features. He frowned, puckering his brow and groaned as he exhaled. “I can’t do this.”

  The flood of relief that poured over Channie washed away her anxiety, but left her weak. All she said was, “Okay.”

  “Look at this.” Josh turned the phone towards Channie. It was too far away to read the tiny ornate script, but she recognized the page Josh had photographed from the Book of the Dead.

  He sat down next to her and said, “You were right. This middle part is a warning to me. But it’s not just about avoiding the temptation of other girls. It’s about keeping the promises I’ve already made to you.” He paused and read the verse from his phone.

  “… Burn the image in your heart and mind of true love’s kiss, and surely you’ll find the strength and the will and the power to keep the promise you made so your love would not weep...”

  When Josh turned off his phone, it felt as if a link had been severed. As if the dim glow from its screen was the only thing holding them together.

  Josh said, “I promised you that I wouldn’t pressure you to do anything you weren’t ready to do.”

  Channie couldn’t see his face in the dark but she knew him well enough to know what he was feeling even without reading his energy field. She’d felt the same way after she attacked him at her house … the first time they’d opened the Book of the Dead. It was a horrible feeling and she didn’t want him to feel guilty or ashamed.

  “Josh, it’s okay. I understand. It’s easy to get carried away —.”

  “I didn’t just get carried away. You must have tried a hundred times to stop me tonight, but I didn’t respect that. I didn’t respect you. I just kept trying until I wore you down and got my way. I’m so sorry … I hope you can forgive me.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive.”

  “Good night, Channie. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Josh, wait.” Channie stood up, but with no visual cues, she was completely disoriented. A flash of light from above stabbed her eyes. Josh had turned on all the lights. Channie blinked away the pain, and turned her head towards the door, but he was already gone.


  The rest of the weekend was ruined. Josh wouldn’t even look at Channie. She knew it was because he was ashamed of himself, but it felt like he was punishing her.

  He was still preoccupied and distant on Monday. Channie decided to have it out with him after practice on Tuesday.

  She was sitting at the kitchen table working on her biology homework when the automatic garage door shook the house. Mrs. Abrim walked in the side door. Alone. Her arms full of groceries.

  Channie got up to help, grabbed a couple of bags and said, “Where’s Josh?”

  Mrs. Abrim huffed and rolled her eyes. “He got a phone call from Kassie, some kind of emergency that required him to leave practice early so she could cry on his shoulder. I dropped him off at her house.”

  Chastity’s energy churned with jealousy. Channie had to take three deep breaths before she could trust her voice to sound normal. “How’s he getting home?”

  “He’s riding his bike. His racing bike that isn’t supposed to be ridden anywhere but on a track.” Mrs. Abrim pressed her thumbs into her temples and rubbed her forehead with her middle fingers. “Can you handle dinner on your own? I’ve got a horrible headache.”

  Channie slapped together a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Elijah and glared at the clock on the kitchen wall. Josh had been with Kassie for well over an hour. “Elijah, do you have any idea where Kassie lives? I need to talk to Josh.”

  “If your phone’s dead, you can borrow mine.”

  “No. I need to talk to him face-to-face. But thanks.”

  “She lives in the bright green house over by Heritage Park.”

  “I know the house you’re talking about. On the southeast corner of Aspen and Madison, right?”

  “I don’t know the street names.”

  “Will you be okay if I leave?”

  Elijah shrugged his shoulders. “Mom’s here.”

  Channie was so angry she pedaled down every hill without coasting. If Josh and Kassie were doing what she thought they were doing, she’d kill both of them.

  By the time she got to Heritage Park, Channie’s legs were on fire. She stopped to catch her breath and happened to glance towards the pavilion. Josh was sitting on one of the picnic tables — with his arm draped across Kassie's shoulders.

  Channie’s heart stuttered and plummeted to her feet. She didn’t want to believe what her eyes were telling her. She tried to convince herself that it was some other boy snuggled up with the little whore. The baseball cap pulled low over his brow hid his face, but there was no hiding the sharp angles of Josh’s body or the graceful way he gestured with his hands.

  It wasn’t Channie’s intention to eavesdrop. She only meant to give herself a chance to calm down and gather her thoughts before confronting him. But when she felt the power of Josh’s compassion — pouring into Kassie, Channie’s joints locked. Josh and Kassie were so wrapped up in their discussion, and each other, that they didn’t notice Channie standing behind them.

  Josh said, “You have to tell Eric. He has a right to know.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You want me to tell him for you?”

  Kassie shook her head and pressed her face against Josh’s chest.

  The air took on a red tinge as blood roared behind Channie’s ears. She pointed her finger at Kassie, like an avenging angel rebuking the devil himself. “Get your filthy hands off my boyfriend.”

  Josh spun around so fast he nearly knocked Kassie off the table. “Channie? What are you doing here?”

  Chastity’s energy raged inside her, panting for revenge. It took all of Channie’s self-control and Enchantment’s magic to keep from cursing t
he both of them.

  Kassie whimpered and rubbed her arm. “Josh! I think you dislocated my shoulder.”

  Josh’s focus immediately shifted back to Kassie. He poured even more of his compassionate energy into the little bitch and said, “Let me see.”

  Chastity’s energy and influence grew inside Channie’s power-well, straining the very limits of her control. Kassie was trying to steal Josh right in front of her.

  Channie gave in to Chastity’s desires and cast a moon-curse on Kassie. The magic rushed out of her, but instead of dropping to her knees, exhausted by the sudden release of so much energy — she felt stronger.

  Chastity buzzed with power. But Enchantment shuddered and pulled back to hide deep inside her heart-of-hearts. Channie knew she was strengthening the curse and destroying her true self. But the look of astonishment and pain on Kassie's face as she jerked her supposedly injured arm out of Josh’s hands and clutched her belly was worth it.

  A feeling of omnipotence, pleasure, and righteous indignation lifted Channie above all the jealously, pain and humiliation of Josh’s betrayal. She rode the crest of the wave for three heartbeats — then slammed into a wall of shame with so much momentum it knocked the breath right out of her.

  There was no justification for the amount of energy Channie had used in the moon-curse. She could have used one-tenth as much power and it would have been too much. Kassie would bleed heavily for a month, maybe more.

  Channie cast a generic healing spell, but it didn’t work. The curse was too strong. She focused on Kassie's womb, looking for the source of the heaviest bleeding. What she found tunneled her vision and turned her blood to ice. The world grew darker, colors faded to shades of grey. Channie clutched the smooth white trunk of an aspen tree to keep from falling.

  Kassie was pregnant.


  Kassie screamed in pain. Josh gripped her shoulders and shook her gently. “Kassie, what’s wrong?”

  She pressed her fists into her belly and curled her body over her hands. “It hurts!”

  Josh’s eyes went wide, then narrowed into slits. He glared at Channie and said, “What did you do?”