Believe: The Complete Channie Series Read online

Page 33

“How much time?” Channie tried to sit up again, but gave up when a wave of nausea twisted her stomach. “I’m supposed to marry Josh before the moon sets.”

  “You need to do more than just marry him. This is one time you can’t say, ‘not tonight dear, I have a headache.’”

  “Why not?” Channie pressed her palms against her temples but the added pressure only made her head hurt worse. She had no intention of postponing the honeymoon, but she wanted to know why Aunt Wisdom was so worried about it.

  “The marriage isn’t real until you consummate it.”

  Channie didn’t like the word ‘consummate.’ It was too official, cold and practical—like signing a contract. She wanted to make love to Josh, not consummate him. And she didn’t want to do it with what felt like a herd of wild beasts trying to claw their way out of her skull. “I know it’s risky to mess with my brain, but just this once, couldn’t you—”

  “I’ve already done all I can safely do. There is a reason your head hurts. Listen to your body and let your pain protect you. I’ve already talked to Josh.”

  Channie groaned and not just from the pain of her headache. “What did you say to him?” Josh had a tendency to be overly cautious when it came to Channie’s wellbeing.

  Aunt Wisdom ignored her question and said, “It’s about ten o’clock. I want to perform the binding spell when the moon reaches it apex at twelve-thirty. If I leave to go get Josh, will you promise to stay in bed?”

  “I promise.” Channie couldn’t even sit up, much less get out of bed.

  When Josh knocked on the door and poked his head into the room, Channie’s heart soared, in spite of her headache. It fluttered against her ribs like a caged bird...a very happy, excited, about-to-be-married caged bird. Just the sight of him lessened her pain.

  Josh grinned at her. “You look...amazing.”

  Aunt Wisdom had buffed and manicured Channie’s nails into perfect ovals and brushed her hair until it fell around her shoulders in smooth, glossy waves.

  “So do you.” Josh was wearing a new pair of jeans and a dark blue sweater that enhanced the color of his eyes.

  “That dress is beautiful.”

  It was the same dress she’d had on all evening, but it didn’t surprise Channie that Josh hadn’t noticed it until now.

  “I wish I could stand up and twirl around so you could get the full effect, but Aunt Wisdom won’t let me out of bed.”

  Josh grinned and said, “I like you in bed,” then frowned. “Your aunt said you fell and hit your head when she shoved you outside. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Aunt Wisdom must have blamed herself for Channie’s injuries so Josh wouldn’t be burdened with guilt.

  “Is it okay if I sit beside you?”

  Channie scooted over and patted the mattress.

  The springs creaked when Josh sat down.

  Channie cringed. She didn’t care if she were half dead, she was not going to spend her wedding night in Momma and Daddy’s bed. She’d find a way to get into her own bed if it killed her.

  Josh picked up her left hand and kissed her fingers, over her promise ring. “I’ll get you an engagement ring and a wedding band as soon as we get home.”

  “I don’t care about the rings, except I can’t wait to put one on your finger, so everyone knows you’re mine.”

  “I’ve been yours since the first night I saw you in Heritage Park.”

  Channie dropped her gaze to her hands. “Josh? Are you okay with this? Mages marry a lot younger than Empties so this isn’t out of the ordinary for me, but I know you had other plans for your life.”

  He stroked her cheek with his fingers and gazed into her eyes. “You, Channie Belks, are my life.”

  Aunt Wisdom knocked on the door. “Are you two ready?”

  Josh nodded.

  Channie said, “Yes.”

  But instead of Aunt Wisdom joining them in Momma and Daddy’s room, Josh picked Channie up and carried her outside.

  The full moon floated in a cloudless sky. Its brilliant light painted everything in shades of blue and silver. To Channie’s amazement, Momma’s roses were in full bloom. So were the lilac bushes, the redbud trees and the flower garden. And in the middle of it all was Channie’s bed—under a wedding bower.

  Four sycamore branches supported a frame of evergreen boughs. Roses, lilacs and larkspur were woven into the greenery. The flowers’ sweet perfume drifted above the clean scent of pine and warm fragrance of cedar, tickling Channie’s nose.

  “How …? What …?”

  Aunt Wisdom and Josh both laughed. Aunt Wisdom said, “I told you Josh had a lot of pent up magical energy.”

  Channie turned in Josh’s arms to study his face, which beamed brighter than the moon.

  “It was like when you made that magical shield for me, only a hundred times more intense. I couldn’t control it. I’m sorry about the oak tree.” Channie twisted around to follow Josh’s line of sight and gasped. The old tree looked like it had been struck by lightning. It was split clean in two. “At least the rest of the plants look good.”

  Channie didn’t have the heart to tell him that they would die too. She regretted the damage to the plants, but she was impressed by the evidence of Josh’s power. Even the air was warm.

  Josh laid Channie across the bed under the wedding bower then gently propped her up with what had to be every pillow in the house. He crawled onto the bed next to her and grinned. “I wonder how many weddings take place in bed?”

  Channie giggled even though it made her head throb. “I don’t know. Maybe we’ll start a new trend.”

  Aunt Wisdom said, “The moon’s reached its apex. Let’s get started.”

  The wedding bower’s shadow formed a perfect border on the ground, leaving the entire bed, as well as Josh and Channie, unshaded and bathed in moonlight.

  Aunt Wisdom stood at the foot of the bed and said, “Grasp each other’s left wrists and place your right hands over the other’s hearts.”

  Josh narrowed his eyes and said, “Is this a death pledge? Like what you did to that Hunter kid?”

  Channie almost giggled, but she could see how Josh might think that. He had so much to learn. How could he possibly be ready in just one year’s time?

  Aunt Wisdom said, “No. But it is a binding spell. You will be bound to each other for the rest of your lives. So, if you’re having doubts about marrying Channie, speak up.”

  Josh wrapped his fingers around Channie’s wrist and placed his hand over her heart. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  Channie put her hand over Josh’s heart. Her own beat harder and faster.

  Aunt Wisdom closed her eyes. Magic flowed in and around Channie but she could not hold it. She instinctively tried to channel the energy into her power-well, but it was sealed shut. She even tried to guide it to her heart-of-hearts, but couldn’t find it. When she decided to just enjoy the feel of it instead of trying to capture it, Aunt Wisdom opened her eyes and cast the spell that would bind Channie and Josh forever…

  Beneath the moon and wedding bower,

  Join your hearts with ancient power.

  Look upon each other’s face

  And bind yourselves with courage and grace.

  Feel your love grow strong and whole.

  Surrender body, mind and soul.

  When time and distance keep you apart,

  Let love protect your spell-bound hearts.

  Seal your vows with true love’s kiss,

  And fill this night with songs of bliss.

  For the breaking dawn will kill the moon,

  And this magic moment end too soon.

  Aunt Wisdom cleared her throat and said, “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  Joshua said, “Oh!” Then loosened his grip on Channie’s wrist.

  She squeezed his and said, “Don’t let go!”

  “Sorry. I’ve never been to a mage wedding before.” He maintained the binding grip as he leaned over and kissed Channie tende
rly on the lips.

  “Um...That was nice, but we need to exchange vows.”

  “Oh! Is there something specific I’m supposed to say?”

  “Do you want me to go first?”

  Josh nodded.

  “Joshua Abrim—”

  “No!” Aunt Wisdom grabbed Channie’s foot and said, “Use his mage name.”

  Channie nodded and began again. “Valor Veyjivik, I …” Panic swelled in Channie’s chest making it hard to breathe. “What name should I use?” Enchantment and Chastity were both gone.

  Aunt Wisdom’s eyes glistened. “I don’t mean to be cruel, sweetheart, but without magic, your name doesn’t really matter. Valor’s power is what binds you.”

  Channie’s lip trembled, she fought it, but the quivering just spread to her chin.

  “I’m so sorry, Channie. I’d give you my magic if I could.”

  “No, it’s fine. I’m fine.” She took a deep breath and managed to swallow her tears before they slid down her cheeks. The name Josh knew best was Channie Belks so that’s the name she would use to seal herself to him. “I, Channie Belks, do promise to love, honor and …”

  Josh was the last person on earth that would use magic to control someone, but the word ‘obey’ stuck in Channie’s throat like a fishbone.

  “I, Channie Belks, do promise to love, honor and cooperate with Valor Veyjivik from this day forward as long as we both shall live.”

  Josh seemed to be waiting for more, so Channie squeezed his wrist and raised her eyebrows.

  “My turn?”

  She nodded.

  “I, Valor Veyjivik, do promise to love, honor and cooperate with Channie Belks from this day forward as long as we both shall live.”

  Josh’s heart beat stronger and faster beneath Channie’s palm. His hand tightened around her wrist as he gazed into her eyes with even more intensity. “I also promise to do all in my power to protect and provide for you and our children. I promise to put your needs above my own, to cherish you above all others, to be faithful, kind, and loving, to be the best husband I can be.”

  “Me too. I promise all of that, too.” Channie’s face and ears burned, but she wanted to be sure that Josh knew she loved him every bit as much as he loved her.

  Aunt Wisdom smiled and said, “Congratulations.”

  Josh leaned towards Channie but instead of kissing her again, he whispered in her ear. “Are we married?”

  She nodded her head and released his wrist. Josh slid his arm around Channie’s waist, and kissed her with so much tender passion it took her breath away.

  When they broke the kiss, Aunt Wisdom said, “I’m going to spend the night in Whistler’s Gulch. I’ll buy a few groceries tomorrow morning and take care of a few errands. I’ll be back around moonrise tomorrow evening. You kids know what you need to do before the moon sets tonight, right?”

  Josh said, “Um...I’m not prepared.”

  “What?” Channie blinked and shook her head. What did he mean he wasn’t prepared? They were married. The curse was lifted...or least it would be as soon as they made love.

  Josh grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck. “’t have a condom.”

  Aunt Wisdom said, “Even if you did, you couldn’t use it tonight. Neither of you can do anything to prevent conception until after this marriage is consummated.”

  “What if I get Channie pregnant?” Josh pushed against the mattress and sat up straighter.

  Channie said, “I cast so many moon-curses on myself, I’ll be lucky if I can conceive within the next five years.”


  “You don’t sound very disappointed.”

  “I want kids someday, but not until we can afford them and definitely not until this mage war is over.”

  The mention of war sent a chill down Channie’s spine. Josh wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest.

  Aunt Wisdom said, “Don’t worry about birth control tonight. I’ll scan Channie when I get back and take care of any...complications.”

  The hell she would. If by some miracle Channie did conceive, she wasn’t about to let Aunt Wisdom or anyone else harm Josh’s baby.

  Josh said, “ pressure, right?”

  “Yeah. No pressure.”

  They were married now. There was no reason to feel guilty or embarrassed or shy, but Channie couldn’t help it. She trembled as she thought about what they were supposed to do...what they were expected to do. What they had to do before this night was over.

  Her head felt like it was going to explode.

  She wasn’t the least bit cold, the wedding bower alone held enough energy from Josh’s magical release that it would keep them warm until morning, but she couldn’t stop shaking.

  Josh was trembling too. “What’s wrong? Does your head still hurt?”

  “Yeah.” It hurt like hell, so that wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. “I’m...nervous.”

  Josh stroked her cheek. “Me too.”

  “You are?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t know, maybe because you’re a guy and you’ve wanted to do this for a long time.”

  “True, but I also want to please you. And I’m afraid I might hurt you. You already have a headache and—”

  Channie interrupted him with a kiss. When they came up for air she said, “Maybe we’re over-thinking this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Maybe if we get under the covers and cuddle, things know...progress.”

  “Okay.” Josh grinned then got up and pulled down the covers on his side of the bed. He helped Channie scoot over and crawl under the sheets, then joined her. “How’s this?”

  Channie snuggled against his chest and said, “Nice. Very nice.”

  Josh kissed the top of her head, then her forehead, her nose and her chin. He kissed her mouth with increasing passion until her lips ached then sat up and pulled his sweater off over his head.

  Channie’s nervousness spiked for a moment until he slid back under the covers. Josh’s trembling increased, but he didn’t say or do anything. He just laid back and let Channie explore. She traced every inch of his face with her fingertips, outlining the angle of his jaw, the curve of his lips, the little bump on the bridge of his nose.

  Channie’s head throbbed, but pleasure overshadowed her pain, muting it. The more she focused on Josh, the less it hurt. She slid her hand lower and traced the valley’s between the muscles of his washboard abs.

  Josh grabbed her wrist and slid it back up to his chest. “Slow down, babe.”

  “Why?” Channie had thought he was enjoying this, but she must be doing something wrong.

  “I don’t want to finish before we start.”

  “What do you mean...oh.”

  “Yeah, ‘oh’ is right. As in oh my god you have no idea how good that feels.”

  “Why don’t you show me?” Channie blushed. She couldn’t believe she’d actually said that out loud.

  Josh’s breath hitched. Twice. He whispered, “Roll over,” so quietly she barely heard him.

  His fingers sparked a trail of pleasure down her spine as he unbuttoned her dress. But when he slid it off her shoulders and unhooked her bra, her nerves returned. Josh had built this up in his mind for so long, what if she didn’t measure up to his fantasies?


  “Yeah?” Her voice squeaked like a mouse.

  “It won’t always be this awkward.”

  If she hadn’t known better, she would have sworn he was reading her mind. “I know. I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “Babe, you could never disappoint me.”

  Channie took a deep breath and slipped her arms out of her bra and dress then slid them both down to her waist. She rolled onto her side, facing Josh then palmed his cheek. “I just wish I knew how to do this.”

  “I’m very glad you don’t.” Josh chuckled, but it was a nervous laugh
. “I’m so happy this is the first time for both of us. We have the rest of our lives to figure it out. Tonight is just the beginning.”

  Time stood still as the moon crept across the sky. Josh’s hands felt like raining water on Channie’s fevered skin, washing all her inhibitions away.

  “Make love to me, Josh.”

  Abby had told her that the first time hurt like a son of a bitch. And there was a small moment of pain, but it was far from unbearable. Abby had also told her that sex got a lot better over time. Channie couldn’t imagine how it could get any better than this.

  Her entire body thrummed with pleasure, but she felt out of control. The memory of peering over the edge of the cliff at the bauxite quarry last summer rose unbidden in her mind. She had the same feeling of teetering on the brink, wanting to jump but afraid of falling.

  Josh brushed her ear with his lips and breathed her name, “Channie.”

  Her stomach tightened and spread warmth outward all the way to her fingers and toes.

  Josh moved his mouth to her throat and whispered, “It’s okay, let go.”

  Channie fisted the sheets in her hands and arched her back. “Josh!”

  His voice was deep and gravelly. “I’ve got you, Channie. Trust me.”

  She did trust him. She would always trust him. She let go...and fell. But this was so much better than cliff diving. She was falling and flying at the same time as wave after wave of pleasure rocked her body. She felt as if they would fly through the heavens together forever...and then it was over.

  Josh called her name and shuddered, then collapsed on top of her. The weight of his body was a comfort, not a burden. If he weren’t anchoring her to the bed, she would surely float away. Her headache was gone. She felt completely relaxed, as if every joint had come unhinged. Her skin was flushed and covered with a fine sheen of sweat.

  “Wow. What was that?”

  Josh chuckled and said, “I believe it’s called an orgasm.”


  “Yeah, the big O. You’ve never had one before?”

  “I’ve never been with a man before.”

  “You’ve never flown solo?”

  “I sort of thought that was a guy thing.”

  Josh kissed the top of her head then the tip of her nose. “Actually, it’s a human thing.”