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Believe: The Complete Channie Series Page 47

  After lunch, Channie said, “I want some time alone with the boys, maybe they’ll forgive me faster if I take them to the park or something.” She felt bad using the trips as an excuse to hopefully meet up with Josh, but she was right about the little monkeys. As soon as they heard she was taking them to the park they tackled her.

  Diego and Abby didn’t even offer to help get the boys bundled up before running upstairs. Momma might be distracted, but she was still on the same floor. Channie couldn’t imagine that she’d allow any shenanigans under her roof in the middle of the day. Well, that was their business. The trips ran ahead of her, pushing and shoving each other on the way to the playground.

  Now that they’d forgiven her, the little stinkers demanded all of Channie’s attention. She was running back and forth pushing them on the swings when she felt a rush of love flow into her heart. She spun around, searching for Josh, but didn’t see him anywhere. She said, “You guys practice swinging. I’m gonna use the facilities. When I get back I wanna see which one of y’all can go the highest.”

  Zeal and Courage whooped with delight, clouding the air with their breath.

  Savvy sighed and slumped into his swing.

  Channie regretted turning a fun activity into a competition. Savvy never won any contest of speed or strength, but he was a lot smarter than his brothers. Which was saying alot because Zeal and Coco were smart enough to get into plenty of trouble all by themselves.

  Savvy pulled his mittens off and said, “I need to go pee, too.”

  Crap! “I’ll take you when I get back.”

  “There’s more’n one seat in that outhouse.”

  Josh couldn’t come out of hiding if Savvy tagged along. “I might be awhile. Why don’t you stay out here and enjoy the fresh air ’til I’m done.”

  Savvy wrinkled his nose and scrunched up his face. “Gross.” He also crossed his legs and grabbed his crotch with both hands.

  “If you can’t hold it, just go in the bushes.”

  By now, CoCo and Zeal were going so high the chains jerked at the peak of every swing. “Hey! Contest is over. Slow down, you two.”

  Zeal laughed and said, “I win!”

  CoCo pumped his legs harder. “Nah-uh! I’m going way higher’n you! Ain’t I Channie.”

  “It’s a tie, you both win, so slow down.”

  Zeal said, “That’s the same as losing.”

  Both boys were still going too high. If they fell, they could break their reckless little necks. What was she thinking egging them on with a contest?”

  CoCo said, “Who ever lands the farthest wins.”

  Channie screamed “No!” But it was too late. Her heart stopped mid-beat as Courage and Zeal simultaneously launched themselves out of the swings at the highest point. Time slowed as Channie’s mind raced. Catch them! Even if her body weren’t paralyzed by horror, she’d never get there in time to catch either one of them. All she could do was watch and pray they survived.

  Both boys paused, and hung in the air. They looked at each other with wide eyes and gaping mouths then drifted to the ground light as feathers. Josh.

  Channie dropped to her hands and knees and expelled the breath she didn’t know she was holding.

  CoCo and Zeal ran to her, chattering like squirrels fighting over an acorn. When Zeal paused to take a breath, CoCo said, “Did you do that, Channie?”

  “Course not, stupid, she’s a Empty.”

  Channie felt as if Zeal had punched her in the gut. It looked like Momma had done a good job of passing on her prejudice.

  Coco shoved Zeal and said, “Don’t call her that. Daddy’s magically dis… dissa … whatever too.”

  Savvy waited until his swing was barely moving then hopped out and joined the rest of the group. “Disabled. Daddy and Channie are magically disabled.”

  CoCo said, “Well, if it weren’t Channie, who done it?”

  Savvy puckered his lips and gazed at Channie for a few seconds then narrowed his eyes at his brothers. “Who do you think did it?”

  Zeal stared at him in wide-eyed wonder. “Did you do it?”

  CoCo put his hands on his hips and said, “No way, Savvy ain’t that powerful.”

  “He uses magic on Momma all the time. Maybe it was him.”

  Savvy smirked at Channie then shifted his gaze towards the parking lot and Josh’s bright, red car with a brand new BMX bicycle on top.

  A chill crept up Channie’s back. He knows. How long would he keep Josh’s powers a secret? As long as it benefitted him, the little devil.

  Channie grabbed CoCo and Zeal by the back of their necks and turned them so they had to look in her eyes. “If I were you, I’d start treating Savvy with a little more respect.”

  CoCo huffed and rolled his eyes, but Zeal nodded.

  Savvy’s smirk widened into a huge grin as he tilted his head back to look at Channie. He scrunched both eyes closed then opened just his left one. His version of a wink?

  Channie swallowed and licked her lips then said, “In fact, if I were you, Zeal, I’d make darn sure CoCo didn’t pick on Savvy ever again.”

  CoCo said, “Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.”

  Zeal said, “Just cause your power-name’s Courage don’t mean you got to be an idiot.”

  Channie couldn’t have said it better herself. She wanted to be sure Savvy’s little deception lasted as long as possible. “Savvy, I know you’re feeling mighty proud of yourself, but suspension spells are advanced magic and should only be used in an emergency. They’re very draining.” She smiled and said, “In fact, you’re going to need a nice long nap this afternoon.”

  Savvy narrowed his eyes at her. She probably shouldn’t have goaded him with the nap, but if he wanted to make this look real, he’d have to play along. “I don’t want you to go around showing off. And whatever you do, don’t tell anyone else about what happened here today.”

  CoCo said, “I’m telling Granny. She’ll slap a binding spell on Savvy so’s he cain’t hurt nobody.”

  Great. Channie didn’t know how to counter that idea.

  Savvy said, “If Granny binds me, I won’t be able to control Momma no more.”

  Just what was he doing to Abby anyway? Hopefully it wasn’t anything worse than persuading her to give him candy before supper. Not that any of them would need magic for that. Abby was such a pushover.

  “Iff’n y’all are nice to me, I’ll be nice to you.”

  Smart kid.

  CoCo said, “Fine. I won’t tell Granny. But I ain’t afraid of you, and you ain’t the boss of me.”

  Savvy said, “I don’t wanna be the boss of nobody. I just want y’all to be nice to me and let me play with you.”

  Very smart kid. Channie couldn’t help but wonder how Savvy planned to use their little secret to manipulate her, but she had no doubt that he was already scheming. He looked up at Channie, did his funny little wink again then said, “I thought you needed to poop.”

  Josh must be hiding out in the bathroom.

  Channie said, “Y’all play nice and don’t go anywhere ‘till I get back,” then ran around the corner of the building housing the public bathrooms.

  Josh was sitting on the ground leaning against the cement-block wall between the ladies’ and mens’ restrooms. He looked horrible. It was the suspension spells. He’d cast two of them simultaneously. He smiled at her and said, “Hey, babe.”

  Channie climbed onto his lap, straddling his hips and pressed her forehead against his. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “Just tired.”

  “I’ll bet. It’s a wonder those spells didn’t knock you out.”

  “Just about did. I’m not sure, but I think one of the trips saw me.”

  “Yeah, it was Savvy.”

  “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “He’s convinced Courage and Zeal that he cast the spell so it’s to his advantage to keep our secret. Although he’ll find a way to blackmail me too.”

  Josh chuckled. “Smart

  “Too smart.”

  Josh kissed Channie. His lips barely brushed hers. Even if they could sneak away somewhere for an hour, he wouldn’t have the strength to do anything other than sleep.

  She said, “How are you going to get back to school?”

  “I’ll be fine.” He took her hand and slid his fingers between hers then traced the creases on her palm with his thumb. “I don’t want you to risk getting in trouble so if there’s even the slightest chance you’ll get caught, promise me you won’t do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Meet me here at midnight.”

  Channie kissed him — long, soft and slow. There was nothing in this world or the next that would keep her from meeting Josh tonight.

  Momma stayed in her room all day. Abby had tried to bring her supper, but Momma just yelled at her to leave her alone. Abby came downstairs with the tray of untouched food and slammed it down on the kitchen table. “I don’t care if that crazy bitch starves to death. I’m tired of getting yelled at every time I try to do something nice for her.

  Diego wrapped his arms around Abby from behind and whispered something in Spanish. She smiled then turned around, still within the circle of his arms, and nodded. “As soon as Savvy goes to sleep.” His afternoon nap messed up his bedtime.

  Diego nuzzled her neck and said, “Just do that sleepy magic on him.”

  “That’d be two nights in row. Be-calm spells are like tequila. They’ll both knock you out, but it’s not good quality sleep and if you use them too often you can wake up with a hang-over.”

  Diego frowned and pulled back. A rosy hue deepened his coffee-and-cream complexion. “Tequila?”

  Whoa. Trouble in paradise.

  He said, “I don’t want that crazy witch casting any more spells on my sons.”

  Abby said, “And you think I do? If you have any ideas how to stop her from doing whatever the hell she wants, I’m all ears.”

  Diego pulled Abby back into his arms and kissed the tears off her cheeks. “Just a few more months and we’ll have enough money to get our own little apartment. We’ll take the boys and get away from all this craziness.”

  Channie couldn’t believe her ears. “And what? Leave me here completely defenseless?”

  Diego said, “You should just marry Hunter as soon as possible and let him protect you.”

  Channie smacked her palm against her forehead. “I’m such an idiot! Abby, make me a shield.”

  Channie tried to explain how she’d built a shield for Josh, but Abby couldn’t seem to grasp the concept. When Diego figured out what they were talking about, he said, “I don’t want Abby involved in nothing like that. Your crazy momma will kill her if she finds out.”

  Abby said, “It’s worth the risk. If Momma can’t use magic against Channie, she can defend herself.”

  “And what about you? Can you keep your shield up all the time?”

  Abby shook her head. “It takes too much energy. I still don’t understand how Channie was able to make a shield for Josh that stayed active without nobody having to recharge it.”

  Channie wished she’d left that part out. She couldn’t tell them that Josh’s shield was tapping into his own energy. Without a power-name, he hadn’t been able to use magic for anything else. It had been building up inside him for years, so it was an almost limitless supply. Channie’s shield was going to need regular maintenance.

  Diego said, “I’m sorry, Channie. I would do it for you myself if I could, but I won’t let Abby put herself in so much danger. When your papa gets home, ask him to do it.”

  Abby said, “Daddy’s too weak. He can barely keep himself shielded.”

  “What do you mean Daddy’s too weak?” His magic was almost as strong as Momma’s.

  Abby sighed then licked her lips and said, “He’s around Momma a lot more than the rest of us. I don’t know how he does it. After a few hours of continuously shielding myself, Diego and the boys, I’m plum wore out.”

  “But Momma’s bound by her wedding pledge to obey Daddy.” Channie had a hard time believing Momma had ever agreed to something so stupid. Why would you ever give anyone else that kind of control over you?

  “Every time Daddy gives her an order, she makes him pay for it later. It ain’t worth it for most things. At least he’s not so obsessed with money anymore. He’s a lot more generous, even bought Diego’s truck and won’t accept so much as a dime in payment.”

  “Do you think Daddy would buy me a car?”

  “I already asked him to buy me a cheap little clunker, but he don’t believe in give’n women that much freedom.”

  Diego said, “He’s got a point,” then left to go check on the trips.

  Channie glared at his back as he trotted up the stairs.

  Abby laughed then said, “He’s just pulling your leg.”

  Channie wasn’t so sure about that, but Diego was Abby’s problem, not hers.

  Diego leaned over the railing and said, “The boys are all asleep. Come to bed.”

  Abby hugged Channie and said, “See you in the morning,” then giggled as she ran up the stairs.

  Great. Just freaking great. It was only 8:30. Channie still had another three and a half hours before she was supposed to meet Josh in the park but if she didn’t get out of this house, she was going to scream. She wrote a note that said, Gone for a walk. Be back soon, folded it into a triangle and slipped it under Abby’s bedroom door.

  Momma’s light was on but Channie wasn’t worried. Even before Momma started acting crazy, once she went to her room in the evening, she rarely came out until morning. It had always been her “personal” time.

  Channie bundled up, then climbed out her window. She nearly slid off the roof when she stepped on a patch of ice, but caught herself in time. She felt better as soon as she stepped into the park. Much better.


  “Hey, babe.”

  A thick layer of clouds obscured the waning moon, so Channie didn’t see him in the shadows until she was nearly there. He was under the pavilion, sitting in the same spot on the same picnic table as when they’d first met. She said, “I thought we were supposed to meet at midnight.”

  “I thought you might show up early.” He slid off the picnic table, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Their bond was still glowing when he pulled back and said, “I missed you.”

  “How long have you been here?”

  “A while.”

  “You never left, did you?”

  “Nope.” He took her hand then led her towards his car in the parking lot.

  “Have you eaten anything all day?”


  “You must be starving. Let’s go get you something to eat.”

  He stepped into a cone of light cast by a streetlamp. The yellow glow illuminated his face and sparkled in his eyes. “I am hungry.” He leaned against the side of his car, slid his hands under her coat and into the back pockets of her jeans, pulling her against him. “But not for food.”

  “Josh. We can’t. Not here.”

  “Of course not. But I know a place we can go.” He pulled his hand out of her right pocket and opened the passenger side door. “Hop in.”

  Channie glanced into the back as she slid into the car. Josh had folded the rear seats down so the cargo area was much larger. But the only things he was hauling back there were a couple of sleeping bags and a pillow. “When did you pick up the bedding?”

  “I put it in the car this morning, before school. I like to be prepared for all contingencies.”

  Josh parked in a secluded spot that overlooked the city lights. It was miles away from anywhere, but there were two other cars parked amongst the trees when they arrived. Channie said, “What are these people doing here?”

  Josh turned off the engine, undid his seatbelt and crawled into the back. “Same thing we’re doing here.”

  “What if they see us?”

  “Believe me, they aren’t interested
in anything we’re doing.”

  “How’d you know about this place?” An ugly green glow seeped into Channie’s energy field.

  Josh reached between the seats and offered Channie his hand. “Everybody knows about this place. It’s a trail head during the day, and a place for high school couples to ‘strengthen their bonds’ at night.” Josh tugged on her hand. “This is the first time I’ve been here after dark. And I promise, I’ll take things slow this time. I won’t finish before you, even if I have to use magic to control myself.”

  “Is that what you did on our wedding night?”

  “I think so. I’m still not sure how this magic stuff works, but it seems to respond to what I want — except for cursing people.” Josh zipped the two sleeping bags together then held it open while Channie slid inside. “On our wedding night, and every time after that — except for the last time when you caught me off guard — my most desperate desire was to please you.”

  Josh untied and removed his shoes, peeled his sweater off over his head, then crawled into the sleeping bag still wearing his jeans. “I’m so sorry about the last time. I —”

  Channie interrupted him with a kiss then said, “No. I’m sorry about last time. I had no idea it took so much effort for you to hold back. And especially the first time. That had to be really hard.” Channie giggled and bit her lip. “I mean difficult.”

  Josh smiled, but didn’t make fun of her. “Pleasing you gives me more joy than anything else I could ever experience.”

  “But you did enjoy it, the last time?”

  “Oh, yeah. Most definitely. Until I realized you hadn’t. I wanted to make it up to you so bad. I still do.”

  “Do you have more than one of those … things … in your pocket?”

  “I’ve got a whole box in the glove compartment.”

  “So … how about we have sex first … and then you can make love to me after that.”

  Josh chuckled and said, “They’re the same thing.”