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Believe: The Complete Channie Series Page 55

  Josh froze, then dropped the remote on the floor and leaned forward, elbows on knees.

  The TV reporter spoke with a falsely concerned tone of voice ...

  “The search continues for Powell Veyjivik, a member of the Kentucky State House of Representatives, who’s been missing for two days. He was last seen by his wife and three children on Wednesday morning, when an unknown driver in a government-owned Chevrolet Suburban picked him up at his estate.

  A state employee, who agreed to speak with us on conditions of anonymity, has confirmed that the car and driver are also missing.”

  Josh’s heart was already racing, but when he heard the click of a key in the lock, it leapt out of his chest. Love and lust electrified his throbbing heart-bond. Hunter must have given Channie the key when she dropped the trips off at the pool.

  He ran to the door and flung it open before she had a chance to unlock it. He pulled her against his chest and kissed the top of her head. “I missed you, babe.” He was surprised by how hoarse his voice sounded.

  Channie clung to him and trembled. “I missed you, too.”

  “Babe? Have you watched the news lately?”

  “No. Why?”

  He led her to the couch and pulled her onto his lap as he sat down. “It looks like Wisdom just kicked her little rebellion into high gear.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He nodded at the TV, but it had gone to a commercial. Josh muted the volume and told Channie what he’d learned.

  Her eyes glazed over. “It’s started.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  “What’s started?”

  “She said she’d give us a month.”

  “What are you talking about? Who said they’d give you a month? And to do what?”

  “I was hoping it would just … I don’t know … not reach us out here.”

  “Channie. You’re scaring me. Are the trackers still on your trail?”

  “They’re dead.”

  “Thank god.” Josh pulled her against his chest as a wave of relief washed over him, but his anxiety returned when her full-body shiver shook the couch.

  Channie never talked about how killing Harvey and Jimmy had affected her. It was self-defense and she hadn’t had a choice, but he knew it tortured her. He hoped against hope that her dad had taken them out. “How?”

  Channie sighed then lifted her head off his chest. Her eyes darted back and forth as she gazed at him. “Promise you won’t freak out?”

  Josh wanted to scream, but stayed calm for Channie’s sake. He couldn’t believe she’d been that close to two trackers and a Veyjivik diplomat. The last thing she needed was for him to add to her anxiety. He kissed the top of her head and rocked her in his arms. “What’s your dad gonna do about the ultimatum? Is he going to try to find Wisdom?”

  “What do you think?”

  I think he’s going to stick his head in the sand and pretend it never happened. “Shouldn’t he at least warn her?”

  “Of course he should. But Daddy doesn’t see it as his problem. He’d rather run than get mixed up in this mess.”

  Josh’s ears burned but before he could defend his own decision to stay out of the mage war Channie grabbed his knee and pointed at the TV. “Turn up the volume. They’re talking about the kidnapping.”

  “In direct violation of the federal government’s policy of non-negotiation with terrorists, the family is offering a $200,000 reward for information that leads to the safe return of Representative Veyjivik.”

  The camera zoomed in on the family gathered in front of their home. The oldest kid, a boy about eight years old, looked a lot like Josh when he was younger.

  The reporter said, “I can’t imagine how devastated you must be, Justice. Do you have anything you’d like to say to the people responsible for abducting your father?” He gave the camera a poignant look of sympathy, then shoved the microphone in the kid’s face.

  Justice’s chin trembled as tears filled his dark blue eyes. “Please … I just want my Daddy to come home.” He took a shaky breath then blinked and turned away.

  Josh’s throat tightened around his heart. These people are my family.

  Even if Powell Veyjivik had allied himself with Dominance, Josh couldn’t help feeling sorry for the man’s wife and kids. This whole situation sucked.

  He waited until they switched to a story about a tornado in Oklahoma then muted the TV. “Do you think your Aunt’s people had anything to do with it?”

  “I’m sure they did.”

  “Why would they kidnap such a high-ranking government official?”

  “This is either an attempt to exchange prisoners, or an act of revenge. If Aunt Wisdom hasn’t already killed him, she’s probably torturing him for information.”

  Until today, Josh hadn’t given a rat’s ass about mage politics. He hadn’t cared if the Wicked Witch of the West or the Wizard of Oz or the devil himself ruled over the mages — just as long as it wasn’t him. But Dominance’s plan to annihilate entire clans sounded an awful lot like Hitler’s. She was willing to murder innocent people, including non-combatants, women and children.

  He could no longer ignore the words from the Book of the Dead … Son of Vengeance seeking light, grasp the hilt and join the fight. Claim your place among your kin and lay to rest your father’s sin.

  “Someone needs to stop this.”

  Channie’s trembling increased. “I know. But how?”

  “I think I need to do what the book said.” Josh’s body relaxed as a warm sensation spread outward from his heart, melting his terror and filling him with a calm resolution to do what was right. He couldn’t remain in hiding while innocent children suffered. “I need to reveal myself to my clan.”

  “I know.” Channie buried her face in his shoulder. “And we have to warn Aunt Wisdom.”

  We? “Channie, you aren’t going with me. I want you to stay with my dad and Liz until this is over.”

  “I’m no safer there than I would be anywhere else. Dominance’s trackers found me in Colorado once already. How long do you think it will take another set of trackers to find me at your daddy’s place? It’s obvious the rebels aren’t going to surrender. Dominance is going to be even more determined to exact revenge on my family.”

  Josh fisted his hair with both hands and ground his teeth. No matter what he did, Channie would be in constant danger. His heart demanded he keep her close, but doubts fogged his mind. How could he decide? He wished he could see into the future like that damn Book of the Dead.

  As soon as the thought entered his mind, Josh realized he needed that book. Something told him that without it, neither one of them would survive.

  Instead of enjoying a wild romp in bed like he’d planned, Josh snuck Channie out of the apartment and drove to Walmart to buy her a disposable phone. He activated it as soon as they got back to the car. “Promise you’ll call me as soon as your parents leave for the casinos.”

  “Why won’t you let me just take the book? Why risk letting Momma and Daddy or even Abby and the trips find out you’re a mage?”

  “Please, Channie. I’m begging you.”

  “I’ll let you help me steal the Book of the Dead, if you promise to take me with you to find your clan.”

  “I already told you, it depends on what the book says about it.” Josh hoped the book would tell her to keep her ass safe and sound by staying with Dad and Liz in Boulder until the war ended.

  “And what if it doesn’t say anything at all?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “If it doesn’t say one way or the other, you have to promise to take me with you. No matter where that might be.”

  “All right.”

  “Say it.”

  “You want a death-pledge?” Josh didn’t even try to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

  “Your word is good enough.”

  “I promise to take you with me — unless the book says not to.”


MORNING, CHANNIE WOKE up with a start, feeling as if she were suffocating.

  Abby hovered over her with a finger pressed against her lips. Channie nodded then gasped when Abby released her from the no-speak spell. She tossed a handful of Channie’s clothes at her then raised the window and removed the screen. She waited for Channie to crawl outside, handed her emergency backpack to her then squeezed through the window after her. Abby had lost a lot of weight, but she was by no means skinny. She yanked Channie’s arm, forcing her to crouch as they passed under Momma and Daddy’s window.

  They both froze when Daddy’s voice boomed against the glass. “If you think I’m going to stand by while you sacrifice my baby girl, you’re even crazier than I thought.”

  Channie’s blood turned to ice as sweat trickled down her back. Momma wants to kill me?

  Momma’s voice had a broken-glass edge to it. “She ain’t nothing but an Empty now.”

  “You’re my wife and her mother. I will not let you murder Channie.”

  “If you don’t let me sacrifice her, then you might as well cut out my heart right now. I’ll be dead before the year’s out.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I can feel my body rotting away at this very moment.”

  “Then let’s find you a healer.”

  “A healer won’t work against a curse. You know that. One of us has to die.”

  “You stay away from Channie, you hear? That’s an order.”

  The sound of wood crashing through sheetrock, followed by the burnt-onion stench of a curse snapped Channie out of her shock-induced daze.

  “One of these days you’re gonna push me too far, Money Kerns, and I’m gonna free myself from your bonds.”

  This time, when Abby grabbed Channie’s hand and tugged, she followed. They ran along the side of the house in a crouched position until they got to the driveway.

  Abby unlocked Diego’s truck and handed Channie the keys. “Get on over to Hunter’s apartment. Lock the doors and don’t let nobody in.”

  Channie nodded and turned the key. The truck roared to life just as Momma opened the front door. Abby raised her shield and stepped between Momma and Channie then smacked the side of the truck and yelled, “Go!”

  Channie jerked the stick into drive and peppered the front yard with gravel as she darted into rush-hour traffic. Horns blared, brakes screamed and tires squealed all around her. Several people flipped her off, but at least no one crashed into her.

  It took Channie forty minutes to find Josh and Hunter’s apartment building. Even though she’d paid attention during the taxi ride there and back last night, she still managed to get lost. She banged on the door and rattled the knob until Hunter peeked through the curtains.

  He opened the door and yawned. “Good grief, woman can’t a man get any sleep around here?”

  Channie shoved past him and darted inside. She locked and bolted the door then leaned her back against it and slid to the floor.

  Hunter adjusted his boxers then crouched down on his haunches in front of her. “Channie? What’s wrong?”

  “Momma wants to kill me.”

  “What else is new?”

  “No. I mean she really wants to kill me. She wants to cut out my heart and put the Book of the Dead inside my chest.”

  “Good lord, that woman’s done gone bat-shit crazy.”

  “Where’s Josh? I need Josh!”

  “He left for work just as I got in. Let me grab my phone. I’ll give ‘em a call.”

  Channie’s heart sank when Hunter’s stripper-music ringtone poured out of Josh’s bedroom.

  “He was running late” Hunter nodded towards the kitchen. “Forgot to take his lunch too.”

  Channie curled up into an even smaller ball and buried her face in her hands. Hunter picked her up by her elbows and led her into his room. “Just so you know, I ain’t makin’ improper advances. But I don’t want to leave you alone. You’re pale as a ghost.” Channie sat on the edge of his bed and stared at her bare feet while Hunter got dressed.

  Someone banged on the front door. Channie covered her mouth with both hands to keep from screaming.

  Hunter pressed his index finger to his lips then pointed at the bed. His meaning was clear. Stay put and stay quiet.

  Channie nodded.

  Hunter closed the bedroom door behind him but returned almost immediately. He cracked the door and whispered, “It’s your daddy, Abby, Diego and the trips. Should I let ‘em in?”

  Too relieved to speak, Channie slumped forward and nodded her head again.

  Daddy didn’t so much as blink when he saw Channie sitting on Hunter’s bed. “It’s time you and Hunter tied the knot. I’ll bind you two and then I want you to skeedaddle on outta here with Abby and Diego. He has kinfolk in Mexico. Y’all can stay with them until your momma comes to her senses.”


  Abby put a hand on Channie’s shoulder. “It’s not so bad. You’ll pick up the language right quick and there ain’t a friendlier, more generous group of folks than Diego’s kin.”

  “You’re leaving too?”

  Diego crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t trust that crazy witch around my boys — or Abby. We leave tonight. As soon as we can pack.”

  Hunter scratched the back of his head then shot Channie an apologetic glance. “I cain’t marry her. She’s already bound.”

  The vein on Daddy’s forehead pulsed. “What do you mean she’s already bound?”

  Channie’s mouth fell open as she stared at Hunter in disbelief. “Don’t.”

  “I’m sorry, Channie, but you’re out of options. We have to tell him the truth.”

  “You swore a death pledge that you would never reveal our secret.”

  “That’s why I’d appreciate it very much if you told him yourself.”

  Daddy glared at Hunter then turned his full attention to Channie. “What the hell’s going on here? What death pledge? And who the hell did you marry?”


  Abby covered her mouth with both hands and squealed then grabbed Channie and hugged her.

  Daddy’s eyes bulged. “You went and bound yourself to that damned Empty?”

  Abby released Channie then shook her finger at Daddy and scolded him as if he were one of the trips. “You watch your mouth. I don’t wanna hear none of that bigotry in front of my babies.”

  Daddy’s gaze dropped to Channie’s belly. “You got a bun in the oven?”

  “Aunt Wisdom married us last December. And no, I’m not pregnant.”

  “That no-good meddlesome woman. Why I oughtta—”

  Diego said, “Where is Josh?”

  Hunter flopped down on the sofa and scratched the back of his head. “At the Discount Tire shop across town.”

  Daddy snorted a blast of air out his nose. “That useless little Empty cain’t even change a flat tire.”

  Channie put her hands on her hips and glared at him. “He works there. And he’s not an Empty. He’s a mage.”

  “I met the boy. He ain’t no mage.”

  “He’s a halfie.” Channie glanced at the trips, then looked at Abby, who was glaring at her. “Sorry.”

  Daddy rolled his eyes. “I would’ve felt his energy, even if he was just a halfie.”

  Abby puffed up like an angry porcupine. “I’m sick and tired of folks trying to categorize everybody by how pure their blood is. If a person can do magic, they’re a mage. Period.”

  Channie felt bad for starting the ‘halfie’ debate, but she’d already apologized. Abby needed to get over it. “Josh couldn’t access his magic until after Aunt Wisdom gave him his power-name. But he’s the most amazing mage I’ve ever met.”

  Before she could elaborate, Diego pulled out his phone. “What’s his number?”

  Channie sighed. “He left his phone in his room.”

  Diego shrugged and tapped the screen on his phone then held it to his ear. “This is Diego Martinez. I need to speak to an employee of yours
… It’s definitely an emergency ... Josh …?” Diego lifted his eyebrows and looked at Channie. “Josh who? They’ve got three of ‘em working this shift.”

  “Abrim. Josh Abrim.” Channie couldn’t believe she and Hunter hadn’t thought to call Discount Tire.

  Diego handed the phone to Channie. As soon as she heard Josh’s voice, she burst into tears.

  “What’s wrong.”

  Channie managed to choke out a few words between sobs. “I’m at your place. Come home.”

  “Are you safe? Is Hunter there?”

  “Yes, but hurry.”

  Josh didn’t ask anymore questions. “I’ll be right there.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Josh burst into the apartment and called Channie’s name.

  She flew into his arms with a sob, but instead of comforting her, Josh raised his shield and shoved Channie behind his back. His energy field swirled with a mixture of vibrant hues — red, gold, orange and purple. Josh seemed to grow even taller as magic pulsed all around them. He was every bit as intimidating as Daddy ever was. “Who’s there? Show yourself!”

  The only other mages Josh had ever been around — since becoming a mage himself — was Aunt Wisdom, Hunter and the two trackers that had tried to kill him. He had no way of knowing that the magical energy filling the apartment came from her family. He was in full attack mode.

  Courage charged into the front room and kicked Josh in the shins.

  Josh barely reacted. He put one hand on CoCo’s head and shoved him towards Channie. She grabbed him and held him against her as he continued to struggle. “It’s okay, CoCo. Josh is just trying to protect us. He’s not going to hurt anyone.”

  Daddy stumbled into the front room, leaning on Diego and clutching his chest. Abby, Zeal and Savvy crept in next, using Daddy’s bulk as an additional shield. Channie didn’t blame them, Josh’s power levels were dangerously high.

  “Daddy?” Channie stepped towards him.

  Josh’s right arm shot out to the side, barring her way. “What’s he doing here?”

  Diego stepped forward and grabbed CoCo then handed him off to Abby. “He’s trying to save her from her loco momma.”